[Available now]





[now 20x faster]

Next-Level LEGO® Sculpture Generation






100% collision-free SNOT generation in all six directions

Supports image textures, material colors, and multi-object 3D files



Sculpts with elements in 160+ shapes

customizable generation styles


Intuitive user interface




[Available Now]

Get NiemanSculpt Pro


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  • Automatic color availability checking and customizable price optimization for sculptures and mosaics
  • Connectivity analysis and optimization
  • Advanced control over internal support structure
  • Automatic removal of structurally unnecessary parts
  • Optimized part sequencing for creating instructions
  • Tiled surface generation
  • Free updates with many more features on the way





Download NiemanSculpt*


Download now






*Must attribute NiemanSculpt in any public posts or displays that feature models designed in part or in whole with the NiemanSculpt sculpture generator. Free for noncommercial use only. For commercial use, click here.





All models shown on this page were designed entirely with NiemanSculpt without any manual modification. Images were rendered in Blender with the Mecabricks Advanced add-on.

3D models used for generation adapted from: “3D apple” by 3Dfood, “Green Pears” by Artystarty, “WPI goat” by Denver Cohen, and Google Earth data by Alphabet, CNES/Airbus, Landsat/Copernicus, and Maxar Technologies.