Fixing Find & Replace Errors
Note: As of March 24, 2022, Studio offers an internal find and replace feature.
You are most likely here because NiemanSculpt was unable to open a file for Find and Replace. This error typically occurs for Studio files on macOS. Follow the instructions below to run NiemanSculpt with administrator permissions, which should fix the problem.
- Open Terminal. You can find Terminal through Spotlight search or in Applications→Utilities.
- Type “cd /Applications/NiemanSculpt” in Terminal and press enter (quotation marks excluded).
- Type “open” in Terminal and press enter (quotation marks excluded).
NiemanSculpt will then open automatically. Repeat this process each time you want to run NiemanSculpt with administrator permissions. If this does not solve your issue, please send a description of your problem and a copy of the file you were trying to perform Find and Replace on to